Yeah, I'm damn cranky. The gerontocracy needs to make way for the Dems that are actively engaged in opposition.

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It’s not just them, I will give Mike this: Dems are also viewed net negatively, no elected official outside of Dem partisans has a net positive approval rating in the eyes of the country either not just Trump— the country hates everyone, has a negative view of both parties too, keep that in mind for all the Dems fawning over clap-backs from certain officials.

That’s NOT how the country sees those people right now, either, there’s a BURNING hatred of all politicians right now R or D in D.C. and the country is still not too happy with Trump even at his zenith in 2025 since 2017.

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Miss Sandra. I'm 66 years old (67 tomorrow) and still out here fighting. If liberals on the ground organize and stop the circular firing squad, we'd get more done. I'm all in with Gen Z. There are plenty of Boomers still out here. IMHO, between Boomers & Gen Z there have been 2 generations who has been too quiet for to long.

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I get you. I’m 71 and was very active on the ground in high school and college. Not so radically active while trying to earn a living. I think people my age can make valuable input but I know I don’t have the edge I once had. Bernie outperforms most people but I think he’s the exception and he’s also a registered independent. Who does that leave? In my opinion, a lot of Dem electeds in their late 70’s and up who need to step aside.

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I work f/t, a board executive member of my town Dem committee plus my activism with campaigns. I left it all on the field in 2024 but I'm not giving up. Take a look: I believe there are plenty of Gen Xers in Congress with Mellinials close behind & Gen Z starting to step up. I hear you about Bernie but he's an old white man. Change is def needed.

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Keep up your great work and if you can give input let the Dems know a lot of us want our no longer not so junior varsity to take up the leadership reins.

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Voters need to call their Dem senators and reps and tell them to stop throwing their hands up. Focus on the most unpopular stuff like disruption of funding for school lunches, pardoning of Jan 6 convicts and taking money from Big Tech left and right.

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As I've watched all this unfold over the past few weeks, I've been thinking about an old quotation from Lyndon Johnson, just 10 days after his own inauguration in 1965 -- after an election in which he won 61% of the popular vote.

It's this:

"I want you to get all my legislative proposals during this session, now! Every day that I am in office, I lose part of my power. Every day I use power, I have less power left. You must get this legislation through immediately. I want you to talk to those congressmen. I want you to sleep with those congressmen if you have to. I want you to get this legislation through now—while I still have the power.”

*Maybe* things have changed today so that no longer applies; maybe social media really is just that powerful so it can overcome the natural ebbing of any president's power... but I'm not sure I buy that.

(LBJ's observation also begs the question: why isn't Trump focusing more on getting legislation passed? I wondered this during his first term, when he had a trifecta and like a 30-seat majority in the House.)

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LBJ is probably still right about this. After all, his most famous insight was just borne out by Trump's reelection:

Bill Moyers (quoted by Snopes):

We were in Tennessee. During the motorcade, he spotted some ugly racial epithets scrawled on signs. Late that night in the hotel, when the local dignitaries had finished the last bottles of bourbon and branch water and departed, he started talking about those signs. "I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it," he said. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

The Trump Corollary is that if you give a Black or Hispanic man permission to look down on a highly accomplished woman of color, you've won his vote.

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So, so true. (Depressing, too... but true.)

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I think about this LBJ quote often, it nails why we're where we're at:


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Even Democratic voters have an unfavorable opinion of Democrats. They need to be more effective in their opposition. Starting with Senate Dems not voting to confirm Trump’s cabinet picks. None of them, including Rubio, should get a single “yes” vote.

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How does the DNC not realize this looks to Democrats like they are in bed with the sociopath? The Democratic Party has an even lower rating because not only can they not be differentiated from the other party, they don't appear to have a spine of their own. It's unattractive and needs to stop right now.

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Question. Can Democrats reinvent themselves as a thinking man's party and stop relying on being a working class party?

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They've done that, it's why they're here now.

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Not true. The Democratic Party Platform mentions working families dozens of times and as an intro to it on their website, they state:

"The platform is created to uplift working people and write out the values that will guide our party for years to come."

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lol words aren’t actions.

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The Bride wants an divorce from the sociopath

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“we could be witnessing the long-term effects of a broad-based systemic collapse in institutional support for the federal government or at least our politicians” - so Putin’s getting a good return on his influence ops.

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Has anyone thought of constructing an index (call it the Trump Performance Index) that measures what he said he would do vs what he actually does?

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Such a sourpuss face. Is he never satisfied?!

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He looks utterly miserable in every picture. He just wants to be on his golf course instead of having to pretend this president thing wasn't about staying out of prison, revenge on his perceived critics, and a last great grift.

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Damn I'm cranky. And fighting. Thanks for the numbers, Mike

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Not a single poll is worth anything unless I see the questions and the audience. Nowadays people lie about everything including their political affiliation. Where do they get their news? Unless the answer is Independent media they are biased.

Bottom line , polls are total waste of time.

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You’re in the wrong place then. You should go somewhere else

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This should get a B rating, in Gallup, it wasn’t too far away from the results in the Senate, Governor, or for POTUS in 2024 at all and this is not in the 538 average though AtlasIntel needs an A+.

Trump’s approval is higher than in 2017 BUT his disapproval is ALSO higher than in 2017 beginning in 2025, 3% more hate him than were unsure about Trump then— and only 2% like him now that didn’t.

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Mike, he’s -0.7 even on 538 inflating his average with garbage pollsters that got 2024 dead wrong like Morning Consult and Quinnipiac and overestimated Harris in the popular vote now biased in Trump’s favor— take another look at the average, 47/47.7 is his standing right now excluding one key poll:

Take a look at Gallup TODAY which is NOT in the 538 average that has Trump 47/48 so -1 there, and AtlasIntel (which I should add, was the only poll that had the national popular vote Trump +1 at 49/48 when the 538 average was Harris +1 before the election in reverse IIRC) in the average has Trump at a net negative -2 at 49/51— pretty sure that’s the real current standing for him.

Morning Consult needs to go to a D rating as does Quinnipiac, both pollsters were trash in 2020, 2022, and 2024 now— why do they keep getting to skew the averages?

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Question: I’ve never identified with either political party. Is it possible that now is the time to grow new parties instead of keeping the corpses of what were the Democrats & Republicans? Republicans should be renamed MAGA. European countries have more than one party to choose from. Why can’t the US?

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