I don't know what to make of voters who would rather be entertained by a wannabe autocrat than even consider a serious candidate from a party with a proven track record of achievements for the middle and working class.

The reckoning isn't coming for both parties. It's coming for America.

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I wasn’t making an argument, just an observation. This is why Trump is outrageous all the time because people cannot sustain outrage at his behavior all the time. It becomes normalized, especially for younger people who did not grow up with a more civil and respectful political climate. It’s like an outgrowth of biological homeostasis: your body will adapt itself to any environment, no matter how toxic it is. You can’t live in a state of constant hyper vigilance, no matter how unsafe it is for you to lose that instinct. Over time, you react less strongly to things that are dangerous. You see this a lot in war zones. People no longer run to the shelter when the air raid sirens come because they happen all the time and your body simply cannot function in that amount of stress and anxiety. People get numb to it. They stop reacting. It’s exactly why Trump and his people do what they do…to wear down our normal emotional repulsion to his behavior, to get us to tolerate repeated violations of morality, and to get us to participate in it. It’s why the media no longer reports the crazy xenophobic rhetoric that he says at his rallies, but if Harris misspeaks, that makes the news cycle for three days. She’s expected to be normal and for

him, crazy IS his normal. It is meant to wear us down and to varying degrees, it has worked. I am not saying this is right, it’s just what has happened in some cases. Our job is to figure out how to reach through all of this with truth…in my experience, disdain doesn’t change anyone’s mind.

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I would also add that Sarah Longwell (she does focus groups of Trump voters for the Bulwark) reports that Trump benefits a lot from his years on The Apprentice. A lot of people see him as a celebrity so they just don’t take him seriously. They see his ridiculous behavior as being part of his act in a way that doesn’t transfer to regular politicians like JD Vance….

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I'm not trying to start an argument either, Alina. Just FTR. A big part of the problem, especially among people who've grown up on 'reality TV' is that they take it seriously. They don't see the fraud behind the mask.

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I don’t think young voters WANT to be entertained, I think it’s the unserious nature of Trump that make it seem like it’s all just a show. Everyone has become numb to a lot of what Trump says and does

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The problem with that argument is that they overlook the danger he poses because he's 'funny' and keeps them entertained. It's alarming, to say the least.

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I don’t think anything has changed. I still believe Harris is the slight favorite.

She’s slipping with Latinos but over-performing with college educated women. Whoever gets the biggest break in rather direction likely wins.

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Lots of interesting and informative discussion on this posting! Only thing I want to add is an immense thank you to Mike for the years of work trying to beat some sense into both parties, and for relentlessly pushing back on the vested interests denying the quantifiable changes in how Latinos are voting. 🙏

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Wow. Considering what Dems have done for unions, minimum wage, keeping young adults on insurance, Medicaid expansion, expansion of home loan programs, etc. these types of polls are like a slap in the face. Places like CA have done so much to make sure Latinos have moved into the middle class and you can see it. Go into any government office whether a it’s the dmv or a community college and see who holds the bulk of the food middle class jobs.

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Latinos in California suffer from the worst poverty in the country. 70% of Latino children are on Medi-Cal…a poverty metric.

They also have some of the worst economic mobility in the country which is why they’re leaving.

California is probably the worst state to live in if you’re Latino

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Where is the factory jobs? California Democrat stress so much on environment and forgot about creating jobs for non-college Latino.

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The last statistic I saw was that 97% of kids in California have healthcare, that has to be better than many states. I’m not saying it’s the best, but when you look at the population of the state, I expect the poverty to be high - especially if that is accounting for the entire population regardless of status. I thought it was a mistake when the state dropped the children’s health insurance program Healhy Families and shifted everyone to Medi-Cal, but they did that to help meet the numbers required for the state to get the numbers they needed when ACA started.

Newsom and Brown have enacted many policies that are meant to help lift Latinos into the middle class. I just filled out my ballot, and even for judicial vacancies, I think they were at least represented in half the seats. They don’t represent their % of the population, but they also don’t vote in equal numbers to their percent of the population either.

I’m not saying things are perfect, but to compare what the democrats have done to what the GOP has done is ridiculous IMO. Newsom even sent undocumented stimulus money, which just pissed off white voters more. I’m just sick of hearing the Dems haven’t done anything when you are comparing to Trump, who had an inflated economy due to low interest rates and stimulus and unemployment checks being sent out. It’s ridiculous.

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You can call it ridiculous but it’s a reality. Your whole approach reflects that. 97% of everyone having healthcare is obviously great but says nothing about the sinful rate of poverty that has become endemic and sinful in California as we have systemically gutted the middle class and the pathways for people to get there - who, by the way, are overwhelmingly people of color.

You also false equivocate ‘representation’ with ‘success’. There are more Latino representatives in CA than in any other state (except NM as a percentage)…that has nothing to do with our quality of life and the impoverishment of our people.

More importantly it’s that perspective that has failed us…this is the perspective that we are more ‘tolerant’ but have no accountability for results. Representation is meaningless if we continue down a road of impoverishment and keep building an economy that keeps black and brown people from economic mobility.

Latinos are saying they’ve had enough. I refuse to ignore their concerns. I don’t agree with what’s happening but I will not pretend like their reactions to this is unwarranted. It’s been ignored for decades

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“Good middle class”

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My fellow Democrats are in denial about the latino shift because white progressive identity politics has been literal gospel the last nine years. They inadvertently treated nonwhite voters as categories rather than as individuals. And also, too many white progressives have been high on their own supply for so long some refuse to exist in a reality where they could be wrong. They can’t see the populist movement with latinos or other groups because too many of the activist decision makers now are living lives of relative wealth and financial comfort. They don’t know how hard it is for a large majority of Americans who didn’t go to college like them.

Americans have lost faith in the two party system as a whole. And white progressives did Democrats no favor by embarking on a long nine year campaign of calling majority of voters racist, sexist, and privileged while ignoring the financial struggle hurting most Americans.

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I am an immigrant and person of color. I can tell the rightward shift amongst immigrants is not just the Latinos. I have seen the shift in other groups and who ever coined the phrase “demographic is destiny” really did a number on Democratic policies the last decade plus.

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In short. As white progressives have lectured everyone else about their privilege and not being able to understand “the struggle.” It’s actually been them living in a bubble of privilege.

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If it is about a financial struggle, why are the women sticking with democrats and not the men? I know women who are not MAGA but husbands are. Usually the husbands are into football or UFC. Are you sure it doesn’t have something to do with Joe Rogan and the men associating with Dems with women, gays, and people of color, and the GOP as the strong and masculine party? I’m not sure it’s the Dems making it about sex so much as the GOP telling everyone that the Dems are making it about this. Just like they told everyone there was a war on Christmas but there really never was.

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The diploma divide. I literally wrote a whole chapter on this in my book. Those are racist lazy tropes that try to ‘other’ people of color, especially men.

It’s easily disproved.

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One more thing, how do people who work in this field know when polls accurately convey public opinion about what motivates them? For example, I’ve seen pundits and pollsters draw a lot of conclusions this year about abortion ranking #3 - #5 as voters top concern and drawing conclusions from this. I am pro-choice, find this issue very motivating, and would never vote for a candidate who supported a pro-life agenda or abortion ban. That being said, if I had been polled in the past year, I would have chosen the economy as my #1 concern. Abortion is still highly motivating for me. I know this is anecdotal, but conclusions can be drawn from this and this is just one issue.

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Well, thanks for engaging on this but I’ve definitely seen a shift in these men in the Trump years and don’t know why the rhetoric works on men more than women. I can’t believe it’s an economic message if it’s divided so heavily be gender. There has to be another explanation; mine may be the wrong one, but I don’t know if I believe the economic one either. I think there is a podcaster, Rogan, Musk influence in there somewhere.

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It's a fairly complicated issue, I think. I can tell you anecdotally that the ways education policy has changed over the years have placed a higher demand for executive functioning skills which tend to develop earlier in girls than in boys. I see this in my own household. My daughter and her twin brother are both bright, but she is much more organized than he is and has been for a long time. At this point in our country, girls and women are more successful than boys are in education, especially higher education. This has been affecting middle and lower income boys more than the upper income boys who still dominate the positions of power in our country. So for those boys (particularly those who grow up in lower income households), their outcomes are vastly different than their fathers. They are actually NOT better off than their father were across all the sectors of their lives. It's a crisis that they are told is not happening by some people (usually on the left...who point to how wealthy men still are still overrepresented at the top) and are told is the fault of women (and maybe other groups) taking their rights and privileges away by people like Andrew Tate and Trump. Richard Reeves wrote a very interesting book about this...it can be true at the same time that women and girls still face huge obstacles and that boys and men are also struggling now. And if boys are less likely to do well in school and therefore less likely to graduate from college at a time when college degrees are required for most "good" jobs and manufacturing jobs that used to pay good salaries are diminishing, what do they do? How do they understand their lack of status and earning power? So many bad actors swoop in with the narratives that scapegoat others. Richard Reeves's book is called "Of Boys and Men". I know there are podcasters like Joe Rogan, Musk, Tate, and others...but I always wonder what the root cause is...why is the message resonating? We can't just say it's because men are bad...we need to understand what is not working for them.

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I think a lot of this has to do with our postmodern society and the message. There’s been a lot written by philosophers like Baudrillard about the loss of objective reality and how the truth can be easily lost. It comes back to perception vs reality. Facts no longer matter and Trump understands how to create a message and use the media to deliver it. It doesn’t matter if the economy is doing really well if you tell people it isn’t doing well then that becomes the reality. If you tell people they are under attack then it becomes the truth and no matter what the facts are, no one believes it. This is simple confirmation bias and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and all the basis psychology 101.

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For a certain sector of people, the ones you are buying boats and $100,000 watches, sure. But for others, they are not doing better. They are really struggling.

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Mike, is there credible evidence that though the national polling is in no way good news, that the latino voting in swing states is a bit better for Kamala? I have heard that she is doing a bit better in the southwest. and that some of these dem/kamala losses are a bit more weighted to states that arent competative anyway..i.e. Florida, Texas, Calif.?

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There may be some truth to this but the problem that can no longer be avoided is directional. It’s been moving away for a decade and now Democrats are panicking (or as many are continuing to deny it)

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Ok thanks. frankly, I am a bit surprised, having followed you for a year, that there are dems. who are surprised by this direction.

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Anxiety is on the rise. I’m not an analyst, but when I saw the NBC national poll showing a neck and neck 48/48 after showing a 49/44 in September, it’s scary. But then I think of the NYT showing a 47/47 in September and 49/46 in October. It seems like a 1 point change if you net the two (towards Trump unfortunately) but if I just look at two data points, it doesn’t seem like a collapse.

This is a massive oversimplification, I know. And there are other respected national polls like Pew that show a rather bleak snapshot.

Would you say that the collective freakout is warranted? Some commentators say that we’re being flooded with low quality polls funded by the GOP to demoralize Dems and give Rs some ammunition to claim a stolen election.

How are you filtering this information?

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Sobering pod. I have little doubt that progressives being patronizing to minorities including Hispanics was off putting. The rightward shift of Latino voters started a decade ago as Mike stated. However, I would also argue that Biden was dealt a bad deck of cards because the breakdown of the global supply chain drove the inflationary pressures on lower income voters. There are things Biden could do on the margin but I am not sure how substantively he could have helped. Now I just hope whatever we all do is enough for a narrow Harris win and the Dems wake up and see the way forward. All I am asking for one more chance to right the wrong.

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My mom's housekeeper, a legal citizen who immigrated from Mexico, hates that folks who enter the country illegally should be entitled to any sort of privilege, or be allowed to stay here for any reason. I'm curious, while Harris makes it clear that she supported the recently failed “border” bill, if it would help if she reminded people what was included with it- including additional border wall. Obama's administration deported more people than Trump did. Democrats seem awfully timid when it comes to saying what they've done to secure the border. Perhaps it's time to move past that.

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While I definitely sympathize with voters who wants to take care of their families (everyone does), at some point their beliefs are opposed to reality and I'm not sure what to do about that.

People think crime is up? fact check: FBI statistics says it's down and been going down.

People think the 2020 election was stolen? fact check: it wasn't

People think Trump is better for the economy? fact check: the US economy performs better under Democrats https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2024/10/the-u-s-economy-performs-better-under-democratic-presidents https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobs_created_during_U.S._presidential_terms#By_presidency

Trump better for immigration? Biden deported more people than Trump https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/02/11/trump-biden-immigration-border-compared/

What are you supposed to do if people trust their feelings more than they trust verified quantifiable facts and statistics? What are you supposed to do if people's feelings don't match reality and they distrust reality?

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Mike, are Latinos afraid of being mass deported by Trump/Vance?

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He addresses this in the video I think. Latinos here legally don't believe Trump is talking about them when talking about deportations. I think it's clear he wants to deport every non-white person if he could. Case in point: legal Haitian immigrants in Ohio.

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I can attest certain immigrants who came here legally or have legal status somehow think they are better than the illegals and have no trouble demonizing them.

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I had not considered that.

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Thanks Mike.

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How do the Democrats fix this?

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Due to cultural differences, it doesn’t surprise me that Latinos are turning toward the Republican Party. What does surprise me? Is that people see it as the party of the working class when in fact, it’s the party that favors large corporations. Serious question on Trump‘s plan to deport Millions of illegal immigrants. What happens to those who were given dates for their asylum claims to be heard before an immigration judge? Can he just revoke those? What about those who are here legally under TPS, can he revoke that as well?

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Thank you for this informative overview. As a progressive I tend to struggle with why people would want to vote for the other guy but as you explained these voters don't feel as if Democratic policies are personally making there lives better. They see democrats as understanding the problem but failing to deliver is what I gathered from your explanation about perception surrounding Biden's policies.

I feel like one thing Democrats could do besides going back to our populist roots ,such as The New Deal and Great Society, would also be heavily invest in messaging. We suck at it and meeting voters where they are means realizing most people don't actively read political coverage and increasing get there news from podcasts and YouTube. Deliver the policies in way that appeals to there interest and on a medium they'll engage with. Ex: Talking about abortion on the Call Her Daddy podcast like Harris did.

Thanks for the analysis and would love to hear your thoughts!!

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Mike, You outlined and warned about these issues in your book. In your opinion, Where does one seek the most credible media sources?

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