This was one my faves. I’m a descendant of Criollos and French (from that time the Hapsburgs thought it might be fun to own Mexico) on one side, my great grandmother walked with my baby grandmother and toddler great uncle from Michoacán to San Antonio after La Revolucion. On the other side, and long before that, my great-great-lots of great-grandfather had a land grant from Spain in the coastal bend of Texas so they got here around the time the Franciscans came. This is part of who we are (complicated, passionate people) what we believe in (Viva La Virgen!) , and what we stand for (stubborn independence).

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Good Lord, that short news clip of "El Grito" is THRILLING!

Thanks for making history come alive and revealing the paradoxes and poetry of it. I hope you realize your dream of filming a biopic of Father Miguel Hidalgo -- I can't wait to see it!

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