We need a remote Vulcan mind meld here... "... Your mind to Harris' mind... your thoughts to Harris' thoughts..." Hope the "adults" in the debate prep room went to the same school as you, Mike.

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Mike, what confidence do you have that the debate will in any way be fair? Part of what killed Biden was the awful moderating of the CNN crew. I actually now have zero confidence that ABC will do any better. they will not challenge whom with hard questions, of which there could be literarlly dozens, they will not call him when he doesn't answer questions. she will face all the hard questions, he will face none. I am sorry for this negative post, but nothing about the MSM gives me the slightest confidence that this will be a fair debate, and on top of those 5 difficult objectives you laid out, she will need to battle a completely uneven playing field.

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I understand the concern. Unfortunately there are t any guarantees other than the terms that her team/ Bidens team agreed to as part of the debate agreement

She faces an uphill battle all the way around. The good news is she has all her life and she’s done pretty good

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Thanks Mike. Amazing to get your repsonee so quickly.. I think like so much of this we have to hope that the people we need to convince, the soft republicans, the independents and the wavering democrats can see through the awful reporting and biases of the MSM. I will always remember your twitter post shortly into the post Biden debate freak out about how we are living through transformative times where the power of the media is slowly diminishing. boy do we need that now more than ever. the NY times political side needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt.

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Hey Mike. I will be looking out for these 5 points you mentioned.

This isn't as easy as it may seem for Kamala to accomplish this . . .

All the while I was listening I was imaging her in debate prep - whoever is the guy playing Donald Trump is going to have to keep coming after her over and over again so when she gets on that debate stage, she can meet the five points you mentioned and not lose her cool, remain likable and yet be confrontational. President Biden's E.O. on border policy will strengthen Kamala's position (even tho Trump will bring up her changing views on this), Kamala gets to hit Trump with the fact that he PULLED the damn bipartisan border security bill b/c he thought he would lose the election if he didn't. It's also why he didn't act on Covid19 in 2020 b/c he thought it would cause him to lose that election and I would argue that it did cause him to lose that election. I think she will remind people about that and switch the discussion to how during the current administration, the Covid19 pandemic was brought under control and how most people who lost their lives and children were left without parents AND grandparents, is b/c of the ESSENTIAL workers, those folks who sacrified their lives would not have needed to do so if Trump had handled the pandemic like any president would have.

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