Thanks, Mike, as always.

Re the stereotyping and disparagement of Latinos, it's very hard for people who are not Latinos to see the mote in their own eye. Personally I think misogyny is pretty universal but it's easy to see or exaggerate its existence in another culture because it presents in a way that's not what you are used to and kind of take for granted as normal, or that is hidden. For example, some years ago there were studies showing that wife beating / intimate partner violence was just as common among white upperclass people as among the poor or any ethnic group. It was just more hidden because the police were less likely to get involved and it was kept out of the press. I believe I read this around the time that Nigella Lawson was photographed being choked IN PUBLIC at an expensive London restaurant by her then-husband Charles Saatchi, whose net worth is estimated at $200 million.

Here's another side of inflation: even people who have Instagram-perfect lives and six figure incomes FEEL like they are living hand to mouth because they're scary-deep in debt trying to live in the right neighborhoods and pay for private schools and all the extra-curricular activities and trips in order to get their kids into elite colleges, which they see as an absolute pre-requisite for not falling out of the 1%. Their work days never end because of smart phones, and their commutes are so long and their schedules so packed that they are exhausted even though they have household help. During Covid they were trying not to fall behind professionally amid the kids at home Zooming classes and suddenly having to do all the household chores themselves because you might catch Covid from the nanny, and they still have not forgiven their Democratic school board and local government. Yes, this is privilege, but it's another example of people have losing trust in institutions and possibly why the gender gap was underwhelming.

I'm so looking forward to what you and your guests and this community will figure out about what happened and how to find a way forward.

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Wish I Could “like” this comment ten more times

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Linda - when I was in nursing school 1981-83, we had to write an assay and I wrote mind on domestic violence. I noted at that time that rich white women also get beaten but that they are less likely to report it b/c of their husbands wealth. You pointed this out here as well so nothing has changed. I wish no woman was sujected to violence.

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Thanks for your comment! Abuse is one of the hardest things to read about or encounter. Too often it's not only the physical violence but the control, attempts to isolate, gaslighting, etc. I feel like this abuse of women (and other vulnerable people) is going to be attempted at a national level by elements of this administration.

Your comment is reminding me -- I'm a client of a women's health care practice in a very nice area. They have notices in the exam rooms and restrooms about a local organization that protects victims of abuse. They had tabs with their phone number to tear off -- and one I saw had two tabs torn off.

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100 percent on this. 10000000000 this.

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Hi Mike, long time reader of your work and always enjoy your insight. In multiple platforms you have said that the republic is going to survive and the American experiment will continue. Would you expand on that “optimistic” take? That seems to be contrary to a lot of the vibe right now. Thanks.

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Thank you JL. This is a very important topic...how about I make that the focus of the next MikeDrop....

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That would be great. I look forward to it.

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oh, the hot takes got the election wrong? there's a shocker.

how is it possible that the instantaneous spewing of long-held grievances against Dems (a few valid, many not, but none of which explain what happened last week) starting a nanosecond after the win was called, failed to explain an extremely complex event?

if I were queen of the world I would ban hot takes. they're not just grievously wrong, they set narratives that stick and so do lasting damage to our understanding of events and how to respond to them.

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Thanks for your work Mike

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Thank you for your kindness

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Please keep the videos coming. They’re very informative and insightful. I love the wake up call conversation on the issues of cost of living/inflation and my fellow democrats not getting why people voted on that.

I think this is a symptom of the educational divide you’ve talked about a lot. If the Democratic Party is the college educated party now. It may mean it’s got more of the voters with stable and better paying jobs. Correct me if I’m wrong on that.

Simply put, because we’re so entrenched in our echo chamber of college educated people. We’ve lost the feeling of how hard it really is out there for hundreds of millions of Americans. The sad reality is people have lived through Democratic and Republican administrations. And still their lives have not improved like they needed it to. So, yes, people are giving Trump another chance because at least he’ll be different.

Cost of living is real and directly impacted everyone. Any time any of us activists or the elected officials downplayed it, we basically were gaslighting the public. I believe if the affordability crisis never took hold, Harris probably would have won. Just my opinion of course. Misinformation or no misinformation. The affordability crisis was very real and the relief has been too slow to come. People voted out the incumbent party like they have all over the world in the last year.

Progressives have spent the last nine years talking down to everyone about their privilege. The real privilege is like you said Mike. Being able to withstand the inflation increases and ask people not to be concerned about it first and foremost.

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Very interesting and insightful. Thank you. "First and foremost" can look like "at the exclusion of other considerations", unfortunately.

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Hi Mike, thanks for this. My vote is that yes I would like to see more videos.


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Doesn’t matter that this wasn’t a landslide… the rightwing already told the ENTIRE COUNTRY it WAS a landslide. That’s what they’ll remember. Just like the stock market highs under Biden were not noted ( or the Dems didn’t shout it from the rooftops!) but now … it’s all “Trump is great for the market”…

We lost the info wars. Big time.

Were people really that mad about the price of eggs ? I would give up EGGS before I’d vote for a MONSTER like Trump.

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Joined last week and this is the first video I've watched. Really appreciate the candor and the thoughtful analysis. Definitely some things I didn't want to hear based on how I have been thinking about this election cycle and obviously the result especially when it comes to inflation which are things I think I knew but didn't want to believe. I'm really looking forward to future editions and being part of this group. I did wonder whether the Harris campaign was doing their own propaganda operation in the last weeks simply to just influence the vote (maybe all campaigns do this?). If you have any thoughts on this, it would be interesting to hear. Thanks for your tireless work.

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Thank you, Mike. One thing I am curious about is if the Harris campaign internally saw the weakness in the gender gap coming. Also, how did things play out with Republican defections overall?

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I can’t imagine they did see it coming. That’s certainly not what they were publicly projecting.

I’m guessing Republicans voted MORE for Trump than in 2020…just a guess. No data on that yet. Might be good to look for exit polling.

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I think they definitely did. The Rep media echo chamber they are in had them crazy scared of a communist Kamala. Anyone thinking she was the better choice in their world was brainwashed. They were sure democracy would die if Trump didn’t when. We live in the upside down.

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I hear what you are saying about Latinos being a moderating force pulling the parties to the center, and I can see that possibly happening in the Democratic Party. What is am not seeing is how this could manifest in the Republican Party as it exists today. I’m not arguing that it can’t happen. I just don’t see how.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts in a future article. Perhaps a topic for Gregory, or another guest contributor.

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I'm hoping that the great transformation will manifest into US having more than two parties. Preferably 4 for better balance.

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I'm no expert in this area, but it seems like as long as we have 2 outcomes (all/nothing, win/lose) we will always have 2 parties with any others being spoilers. I had hope for ranked choice voting mitigating the problem, but this was defeated in Alaska so that's not looking good.

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I'm sure we will land there eventually (with at least 2 viable parties). My question is more about short term. Having experienced a win, I don't see what incentive there will be for the GOP to pay attention to what Latino voters are saying. Maybe, if they take a hit in 2026 and lose big time like they did in 2018, that would change. But as long as Trump is at the helm, I just don't see there being any move toward the center for the GOP.

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I agree. Maybe not short term. The CWOAPs need to form up and the Dems need to either move right or left to solidify a space. My guess is that there will be many more Independents or Uncommitted politicians running before parties form. Or maybe there will be a movement similar to the Tea Party, which engulfed the Rep party and solidified it into what it is today. Maybe the movement will be labor, shaping the Dems this time. Or maybe we’ll get 4. Labor, Dems, Lincoln and Repubs.

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Great information, and a lot to think about. I grew up extremely poor in rural PA. I was the first person in my family to attend college. I guess I was shocked that people wanted to go back to the chaos of the Trump admin but to your point although many of us came out the other side of Covid with our weath intact not everyone did. Those struggling to feed their kids don’t really hear or possibly care that we currently have the best economy compared to other Countries.

I do hope Dems can put a plan in place to appeal to Latinos again along with many of the other groups they struggled to capture. Super disappointed in my generation - Gen X and white women voting for Trump.

Not sure if possible to get them but would be great to hear from the bench of young Dems out there like Sec Pete, Ruben Gallego, Alex Padilla and Gretchen Witmer and where they would like to see the party go and their vision on how to get there. It would be great to also hear from Chuck about the strategy to get Ruben elected in Arizona.

Looking forward to more thought provoking Mic drops.

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Mike, I accidentally posted this to an earlier post of yours, so copying it here:

Do we know (maybe it really is too early to tell) how people who are are making less that 60k per year voted? IIRC, in 2016 they went for Clinton, even though the narrative has always been that Trump won the "working class" in that election (understanding that some definitions of "working class", like non-college educated whites, does not = "poor")

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Thank you so much for explaining! Very much appreciated.

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Will you bring back a live Q & A session? I always learned a lot from those on Mike Drop.

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I’d love to but need to find a platform where that functionality is available. Let me know if you know of one. I loved it!

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Hi Mike. My husband pastors a Latino church in Phoenix. How can we prepare the community first what’s coming 😢

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*for what’s coming

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Great analysis Mike

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