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MikeDrop - Harris is doing all the right things. Why are Latinos running the other way?

Two recent credible national polls show that Kamala Harris's support among Latinos is weakening.

Wait a second… what’s going on? Harris is taking the right approach by adopting a conservative stance on border protection and announcing a major housing initiative. And, the national media told us we were experiencing a ‘Latino reset’ after Joe Biden dropped out of the race, yet these two polls indicate that Trump’s numbers are improving.

So what’s the issue?

First, the bold steps taken by the Harris campaign are necessary. Did you notice that once Harris introduced these initiatives, her polling numbers with Latinos narrowed considerably?

This is a step in the right direction, however, we still haven’t addressed the top issue with Latino voters - the economy.

More specifically, it’s about AFFORDABILITY.

Please, no more graphs about GDP, the S&P 500, or impressive stock market gains. Stop with the job growth statistics. These do not reflect how working-class people are affected by the economy.

The only thing worse than unemployment is having a job and falling further behind.

The stage is set for Harris. She has passed the test on border security and housing—now it’s time to tackle affordability and close that gap.


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