Sep 20Liked by Mike Madrid

I've been waiting to hear your take on the NC story, so thanks, Mike. There's been a kind of 'ick factor' here in NC ever since the photos and videos came out about Madison Cawthorn. The LAST thing republicans needed this close to early voting here is another salacious sex scandal with a side order of Black NAZI.

I doubt this will move the needle with the MAGA base here, but that's not enough to win statewide. Robinson needed Indies and moderate Rs, too, and, personally, I think that's shot now. Rumor has it that the NC-GOP had all this info on Robinson, but nominated him anyway because they knew the Trump endorsement was coming and they were banking on MAGAs not to care.

NC seemed like a reach for the Dems, even with Josh Stein doing so well in the governor's race. But even a little movement in Harris's direction will be enough to carry this state - and boost the down-ballot Dems, like Jeff Jackson for AG. Fingers crossed!

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Thanks Jane! What does your gut tell you about NC? Harris or Trump?

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Cautiously optimistic about Harris. You?

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I think she’s a slight favorite

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Sep 20Liked by Mike Madrid

Thanks Mike

Always appreciate hearing your perspective good or bad.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

I have come to believe that this sort of hypocrisy is an integral part of the personalities of those drawn to the power of public office. I think it has always been there, lurking just out of sight, and is not a partisan syndrome. The only difference now, is that in this digital age of social media and the internet, it is much easier for these characters to get caught. And, at the same time, it is obvious that it is FAR easier for the voters who back these candidates to be blind to the hypocrisy.

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I think there’s a lot to be said about this comment. Especially for those willing to put themselves in such a public place. Certainly drawing a unique personality type

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Hey now- I would like to hope you aren’t including non-partisan unpaid elected officials in the power hungry hypocrite set.

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Always insightful

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With early voting, what is the next optimal window to drop more opportunities research? 30 days out? You need to give your allied PACs, etc time to make the ads, mail them out and buy the airtime, no?

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They can drop this week. They got what they needed with the denials. Bombs away!

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Early in-person voting states here on October 17th.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

This is likely the third- or fourth-worst stuff about him? Yikes.

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