I see so much opportunity in the “want more information” findings! I’m hoping that she spends tonight ignoring Trump’s bluster and hammering home a clear-eyed, calm recap of her bio and big-ticket policy items. I loved the way Kamala talked about her childhood neighborhood in her DNC speech. Tie that to grocery prices and home ownership policies and just hit it over and over.

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Excellent analysis, as always. Quick question on down ballot races. Any Senate or House races where a donation might make a difference? Got sucked into the hype last time on Amy McGrath and don't want to waste money on unwinnable races. Also, GOTV groups beyond VOTOLatino that you would recommend? THANKS.

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Renee - Maryland is a "blue" state, but we have a Senate race here between our former Gov Larry Hogan (R) and Angela Alsobrooks (D). Hogan (a millionaire) and Mitch McConnell are dumping huge amounts of money into ads in the hopes of flipping one our Senate seat to the R column. Hogan is a never-Trumper and saved our cookies here in MD during COVID, but if he wins, he could give control of the Senate to the MAGA crowd, so we are taking this race seriously. If you are so inclined, Alsobrooks would greatly appreciate whatever you could send her way. Personally, I'm sending her the max I can afford ($25/month).

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THANKS! Will add to the list.

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No. Thank *you*, Renee!

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Another master-class lecture, and we all get smarter with each new post here. I cannot emphasize enough how helpful your analysis is to my psychological well-being -- like being in the eye of the storm...calm winds and clear skies. There is solace in the data! Thank you, Mike.

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If planning to use police power to incarcerate and deport 10 million mostly Latino immigrants doesn’t turn Latino voters against Trump, what makes you think these voters are gettable for Harris? Especially from a cost-benefit perspective. Apologies for not knowing where you addressed this in the past.

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Well...the polls showed that a focus on affordability, strong borders, tough-on-crime, and upward mobility were the issues most important to polled Latinos.

Harris has been hammering these messages in rallies and paid media, yet the poll numbers haven't rallied.

Either the folks polled are unrepresentative, or a large minority of Latinos actually want a strongman, but don't want to admit it.

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