Sep 3Liked by Mike Madrid

Hey Mike, Watching you on the big screen is quite a trip. Seems that Substack provides better audio than Call-in did (or you upgraded your audio gear and looks like video too!).

One thing I'd love to have you do over the next 9-weeks is to provide some "Monday Morning Quarterbacking" on what you think each campain "should or could" be doing vs. what they're doing. I remember you had done something similar when the Immigration issue was blocked by Trump and saying that the Democrats must take control of the issue. Perhaps they are doing everything right (said of no campaign ever), but I love your perspective and would love for you to share.

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OK let me think about how to do that. Will likely take on added significance as we get closer. Are you thinking starting every show like that? A whole separate show? Once in a while?

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I think I like thie idea of doing something short at the begninning of each eipsode, but I know you're still trying to figure it all out The window is here for your razor-sharp observations and that this is the time to hook people so they don't fall off after the election. As you no doubt know being a critical evaluator can be both a blessing and a curse.

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I've had a few days to mull over what you discussed in your "Can Kamala Harris reconnect with the working class?" video, and I keep returning in my mind to the statement that you made (I'm paraphrasing from memory here) about us not educating young Latino men with the STEM skills needed to make the move into more technically skilled jobs. I am curious as to why this is. Have you any insights, or have you done any research about this? It seems like a problem that should be addressed proactively as part of a transition to an aspirational, ethnically diverse vision for our future, and to open more paths for ALL workers to build wealth.

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Mike, You may have clarified this before and I missed it, but does the public polling, the accurate polls you are watching for that 35%, include the young 3rd - 4th gen NEW Latino voters coming online? In other words, are they part of the model (or any other reliable quantifiable metric that we can watch)? Or, is it a wait and see how they vote situation?

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Yes a quality poll will include them

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